Rangiriri Museum - the Waikato War

There is a great deal to be seen at Rangiriri by the history buff: the remains of the battle site, the cemetery, Te Wheoro’s Redoubt (see preceeding blog entry), and the small but fascinating Rangiriri Museum - situated behind the cafe.

Museum interior
Parked outside the museum

Here is a jumbled treasure-trove of artifacts, paintings, drawings, maps, posters, scale models and various other paraphernalia associated with the battle of Rangiriri (20-21 November 1863) as well as to the wider conflict in the Waikato.

General Cameron- commander of the colonial forces
Tawhiao - the Second Maori King

A painting of the battle

Diorama of the battle

Sketch of the battle

See a video of my visit;


I understand that there is also a historical video onsite, which can be viewed upon arrangement - unfortunately when I visited in mid-winter there was no-one in attendance, while the folks at the cafe were busy with baking.
This site also functions as an educational facility and is often visited by school groups.

Bookings can be made:

09 238 9063


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