The Dreadful Tapu of Blood

For hundreds of years after a brutal massacre, the South Taranaki pa of Turuturu-Mokai lay abandoned and shunned in horror under a powerful blood tapu. "Spoils to the Victor" Louis John Steele 1908 CONTENTS: History - the attack on Turuturu Mokai resulting in the blood tapu The lifting of the tapu Photographs of my visit to the site in November 2018 Access to & location of Turuturu Mokai + Google maps HISTORY: Like many sites in New Zealand, this pa (near Hawera) has a chilling pre-European history. Historian John Huston tells the tale: Many a pa of the old pre-European days was practically impregnable when attacked by a war party using native weapons. For this reason, more forts of the days before white man came were captured by stratagem, surprise or starvation than by actual assault - and a most ingenious stratagem caused the downfall of this ancient pa. Although the tribes of Taranaki do not appear to have carried war into the territorie...