How Captain Lloyd Lost his Head - Part One
Hauhau warriors prepare to attack, kill and decapitate a group of soldiers led by Captain Lloyd - Ahuahu, North Taranaki, 6 April 1864. This dramatic watercolour by Major Gustavius von Tempsky entitled “A Maori Ambush” depicts Pai Marire/Hauhau warriors preparing to attack a troop of soldiers and militia from the Kaitake Redoubt engaged in destroying a crop of maize planted by local Maori, in North Taranaki. This action was part of an “bush scouring” tactic by Imperial forces aimed at destroying Maori food resources and shelter in order to render them less capable of any resistance to the taking of their land. CONTENTS: History - including Taranaki Herald report April 9 1864 Location and access Photograph of my visit to the site November 2018 Google maps HISTORY In “Frontier’ Peter Maxwell describes the unwary foe in the scene above as being first cut down by shotgun fire from the bush, then attacked with tomahawks by Maori chanting “Hau Hau”. Seven fell dead, the re...